Cooking on Autopilot

Serving every human.

Over 8 billion people eat every day. They either prepare a meal themselves or enjoy one that was made for them. We make cooking effortless.

At Home

No time to cook?

We're completely automating the most time consuming household chore and relieve busy families from the stress related to food preparation.

Gaining more than

23 hours

of precious free time
each month

In Business

Staff shortage?

We provide a robotic solution that supercharges the productivity of professional kitchens by taking on repetitive tasks in food preparation.

Supporting more than

15 million

businesses in solving
labor shortage

Let's update
humanity's oldest craft!

At home and in business - we take the work out of cooking and make it truly effortless.

We're looking for true talent!

Join a team of goal-driven pioneers and brilliant minds to bring our product to fruition.

Available Careers →